Eating Healthily on a Tight Budget

Three Ways to Eat Healthily on a Tight Budget

Most people automatically assume that they can’t afford to eat healthily because healthy food is more expensive. And while this might be true for certain whole food ingredients, quality fresh fruit, vegetables, protein (meat, fish, legumes etc.) and dairy – the foundations of a healthy diet - don’t necessarily cost more.  Plus, if you spend a bit of time each week planning your meals and shopping ahead, you’ll find that you can actually SAVE money, and follow a balanced diet at the same time.

With this in mind, here are our top 3 tips for eating healthily on a tight budget.

1. Plan Your Meals

It might sound boring and unspontaneous, but you’ll be glad for it when you don’t find yourself standing staring blankly into the fridge after a long day of work, wondering what you’re going to have for dinner. Each week, make a list of meals you’d like to have for the week ahead, as well as the ingredients you’ll need. This won’t just save you time, it will also save you from rushing out and getting a last minute takeaway. Plus, shopping for groceries weekly, rather than daily, also saves money.

2. Cook Large Portions

By doubling up on your recipes, you can freeze portions to eat later, or keep leftovers for lunch or dinner the following day. Generally, leftovers can also be “re-hashed” to make stews, stir-fry, salads and wraps.

3. Buy in Bulk

Doing a weekly, rather than a daily shop will already save you money, but you can look to save even more by bulk buying certain whole food ingredients such as brown rice, oats, nuts, dried fruit, beans and lentils. These are all stable foods, which are relatively inexpensive and they can keep for a long time if stored correctly.

How do you save money on groceries at home, while ensuring your family still has a balanced diet?


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